Running Camp and Waldo Lake
Last week I helped out with the 27th (mostly) annual Timberhill Harriers running camp. I loved my two years as a camper and was more than happy to come back and join in on the fun. The camp started with an interesting new twist—most of the runners dropped off their bags and ran to camp via a 9 mile route through McDonald Forest. On a later long run we encountered an uncooperative skunk and a couple of elk. Unfortunately I did not bring my camera for the week.
As always, it was a great experience with a beautiful setting, good friends, games, excellent food, and—of course—lots of running. I managed to put in 60 miles in five days after a pretty lazy summer. It made me wish I was doing Cross Country this year at Michigan Tech. I tend to forget how much I love running.
The day after running camp ended, I left for Waldo Lake with my family for a short vacation. We carried all of our gear in canoes and camped around the shoreline at undeveloped sites.
It was incredibly relaxing to be away from civilization for a while. The only disruptions were the occasional distant train and jet contrails. Sometimes being out in the woods makes me wish we lived in simpler times.
The weather was spectacular and the mosquitoes fewer than feared. In addition to canoeing, we ran/hiked short section of the Shoreline Trail and crossed the headwaters of the North Fork of the Willamette River. Someday I will have to come back and run or mountain bike the spectacular 22-mile trail encircling the lake.